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07 / Ապրիլ / 2020 : 21-24


-Dr. Cholakyan, you have about 20 years of experiencein Chiropractics in the United States. What is important to this profession? How can you evaluatethe level of development of modern Chiropractic?

-It seems like yesterday, but it I did graduate ChiropracticCollege in 1999 as a motivated 23-year-old, the youngest in my graduating class. I was eager to go out into the world and make a difference one patient at a time. One thing I learned during the course of my education is that the most important thing for any Chiropractor, or healthcare professional for that matter, is to genuinely be concerned for their patients and getting results for them, rather than being motivated by profit. Patients are smart and can sense this. As a result, you end up with a reputation as a caring Doctor, who gets results, eventually having a flourishing practice. The Chiropractic field is constantly changing and evolving.
To be an effective practitioner and successful as a Chiropractor, you and your practice have to change and evolve with the profession. There are many different Chiropractic techniques, and therefore, many different types of Chiropractic practices. We are more focused on treating patients with symptoms, most commonly due to injuries, and getting them to be asymptomatic, or in layman’s terms, “pain free”. This is one of the reasons our motto is Helping Achieve Wellness.

-Over the time, more and more people start trusting the chiropractors. What’s the reason of this? Can we state, that chiropractic care is one of the main basis of stable and healthy functioning of human

-I would like to answer this question according to a couple of my personal experiences rather than the chiropractic-field in general. Throughout the years, I have always been straightforward with my patients. On many occasions, a mother or father has walked through the doors of one of my clinics with a child who has a condition such as scoliosis, which is a condition Chiropractors most likely would not be able to treat effectively when severe enough. I will not take advantage of the fact that a vulnerable parent will do just about anything to help his or her child. I will tell them upfront that I don’t expect results and refer them to the proper health care professional. The refore, being straightforward along with simply getting patients results, which are well documented far beyond a patient telling us they “feel better” is the reason I personally have gained the trust of many people not only for myself but the chiropractic profession in general.
For example, I have many before and after MRI’s showing patients’ disc herniation’s shrink or disappear.
Most recently, my office treated an Olympic Champion athlete with multiple intervertebral disc herniations which shrunk by approximately 50% midway through the course of his treatment. Now, he is well enough to train and compete to get a second Olympic Gold medal in 2020. These are two examples of how myself, as a Chiropractor, and the Chiropractic field globally have gained credibility and the trust of not only our patients, but the majority of the knowledgeable general population.
It is my opinion that the Chiropractic field is a very important piece of the healthcare puzzle. I would not call it the “main basis of becoming stable and healthy functioning”, as you put it, but it is definitely a part of that process. Similar to how it is important to seeing a dentist to treat a tooth and prevent losing it, it is important to see a Chiropractor early on to have a better chance
of treating whatever the patient’s condition may be. Once a condition has progressed enough, the chances of treating it decrease. In many cases, this results in patients needing more aggressive treatments, such as injections or surgery, which may or may not be successful and can result in a permanent and untreatable condition. I would also like to state that even though we see mainly patients with symptoms, one does not need to be in pain or have any other symptoms to see a Chiropractor. It is very common and helpful for people
to see a Chiropractor for wellness care and to “get adjusted” regularly.

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Ամսաթիվ 07 / Ապրիլ / 2020 : 21-24
Հրապարակման հեղինակ՝ Աննա Ավետյան

Լրագրող, վերլուծաբան- 2017 թվականից աշխատում է «Ելակետ լրատվական» գործակալությունում: Ավարտել է Գիտությունների Ազգային Ակադեմիայի Միջազգային Գիտակրթական կենտրոնի լրագրության գծով մագիստրատուրան: Իր հեղինակային հոդվածներն ու հարցազրույցները տպագրվել են ՀՀ առաջատար տպագիր և էլեկտրոնային լրատվամիջոցներում, աշխատել է նաև որպես հեռուստալրագրող, տարբեր բնույթի հաղորդաշարերի գլխավոր խմբագիր: Մասնագիտանալով հասարակության հետ կապերի ոլորտում՝ երկար տարիներ աշխատել է նաև որպես հանրային կապերի մասնագետ:

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