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14 / August / 2020 : 11-54

Innovative Strategies for Event Marketing in the COVID-19 Era

Event marketing and trade shows have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing companies to re-imagine their approach. Some strategies for promoting products and services during this time include virtual trade shows, hybrid events, live streaming, smaller intimate gatherings, and digital marketing. Companies that adapt to new and innovative ways of reaching customers will be best positioned for success in the post-pandemic world.

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Published on 14 / August / 2020 : 11-54
Published by Liana Aloyan

Journalist, columnist. Liana studies at the Faculty of Russian Philology of Khachatur Abovyan State University. She has been working at Yelaket ( news agency since 2019 as a journalist and columnist. Writes articles about business and marketing. Liana is a member of "Media association" since 2020.

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