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14 / March / 2024 : 14-23

“Remembering our fallen soldiers is good, yet it is not enough. We also need to help our people.” Harutyun Simonian

“I did not know about my true identity until I was 6. Then I was baptized as a Christian and sent to an Armenian school. That is how, for the first time, I learnt about my true identity and inherited it back.”

“My teacher once told me. “Armenian national creators are like candles: They lighten other people with their work and melt. They do not receive anything back. You should become such creator as well: Do good for your homeland unconditionally.”
“I saw the true strength of Armenians during the war. Without any call, without any warning, Armenians gathered and started to conduct an assistance to send to our soldiers. This, once again, reflected the true self of Armenian community.”

“Helping people is not a choice for me, it is a responsibility. If I see soldier, whose family has a need for assistance, I cannot help, but to do anything for them. Because if my children live comfortably in a safe country, it is why duty to help the one, who insures their safety.”
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