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05 / July / 2024 : 16-24

Can AI cause potential problems for political candidates ?

AI is making politics even more complicated as government regulators, companies and consumers are still figuring out how to use AI tools responsibly, and the tech is advancing faster than social, legal and regulatory guardrails.
“We’ve taken action against these uses of our technology for violating our policies against political campaigning,” an OpenAI spokesperson told.
On its website, OpenAI states it prohibits “engaging in political campaigning or lobbying, including generating campaign materials personalized to or targeted at specific demographics.”

Professionals said they were motivated to create VIC after they were denied access to city records about policies and procedures because he made his request anonymously.
“If I was able to ask AI and interact with this new intelligence, it would have known the law and I would have gotten the records,” said one of them.

The emergence of AI political candidates also comes amid growing concerns about how the spread of misinformation could impact elections. Earlier this year, for example, a fake recording of a candidate in Slovakia saying he rigged the election went viral.

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