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09 / Դեկտեմբեր / 2022 : 16-40
Daruma dolls fulfill more dreams than any other benefactor in the world When we have a wish, we believe with all our heart that it will come true. We collect money for our wishes, we don't spare our time and we often believe someone to fulfill it for us. And these dolls are just like that. They have made more people's dreams come true than any other benefactor in the world, but how is it possible? Japan is a country with a unique culture that leaves no one indifferent. Not only do economic miracles happen here, but also miracles of personal achievement. To achieve their goals the Japanese buy a doll called Daruma. It is exactly the doll that is depicted in the photo. When a Japanese buys the Daruma doll, the eyes are completely blank. They simply make a wish and paint in one eye. Upon doing this, they lay the groundwork for their wish to come true and believe that "Daruma" will keep an eye on their dreams When the goal is fulfilled, the Japanese take the doll again and paint in the second eye. From that moment on, they realize that the wish is completely fulfilled, and they can move on to another one. This tradition is deep-rooted, and the Japanese people are sure that the Daruma doll is the one who makes their wishes come true. Many Japanese people already have dozens of Daruma dolls in their houses, with two eyes painted in. Thus, when you talk to the Japanese about dreams, they have a recollection of these dolls and say that Daruma dolls have fulfilled more dreams than any other benefactor in the world
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