Armenian soldier saved future US senator’s life

Former United States Senator Mark Kirk, whom the visiting Armenian parliamentary delegation on Friday awarded with the Medal of Honor of the National Assembly of Armenia, in Washington, D.C., began his respective remarks by saying that he is indebted to an Armenian soldier for saving his life, reported the Voice of America Armenian Service.

Kirk said, arriving in Armenia many years ago as just a rank-and-file employee of the US Congress, he had visited the border with Azerbaijan to get familiarized with the situation. He added that if it had not been for an Armenian soldier beside the future senator, this visit could have been his last. He said the Armenian soldier had saved him from becoming the target of an Azerbaijani bullet in the trench.
Kirk said he had learned another lesson from that visit: History was unfair to the Armenian people, and historical justice needs to be restored; first of all, by recognizing Armenian Genocide