''The program is very useful. This is really our hope, to countless other family caregivers that funding will not be cut or eliminated from the California state budget''. Protests continue.

The Adult Services provides medical care, social work, and recreation, all in one place, for tens of thousands of senior citizens and young disabled adults. But under Gov. Newsom’s proposed budget, funding for the centers would be eliminated completely.
Cutting the program would save the state about $364 million over the next two years but senior advocates say it would cost the state more in the long run.
Healthcare workers and senior citizens rallied in opposition to proposed budget cuts to a program they say is vital in keeping them alive.

,,This is our second home, we need it," said many of adults "We have exercises according to what we need. We have nurses right there checking on us".
"It helps us to not be so depressed at home because we are locked up in the house every single day," said they.
According them Newsom is wrong on this call and should review the programs on their merit, results and consequences. He obviously has not done his homework yet. Our seniors deserve better.