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20 / January / 2022 : 16-36

EBRD and donors increase funding for SMEs in Armenia

US$ 25 million to Ameriabank for private sector lending

Financing will boost lending to MSMEs and women-led businesses

EBRD supports Armenia’s private sector in upgrading technologies to EU standards

Donor support from the European Union, Sweden and Small Business Impact Fund

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a US$ 25 million financial
support to Ameriabank in Armenia for on-lending to private businesses in the country.

As part of the financing package Ameriabank will receive US$ 10 million under the Women in Business (WiB)
programme for on-lending in local currency to women-led small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The
programme combines financing, technical assistance, risk mitigation in the form of first-loss cover for local
financial institutions, supported by the Small Business Impact Fund, and business advisory services to
support women-led SMEs. Technical assistance and advisory services are jointly funded by theEuropean Union (EU), and Sweden.

Additional US$ 10 million will be to support the development of the local micro, small and medium size
enterprises (MSMEs).

Ameriabank will also receive US$ 5 million under the EU4Business-EBRD credit line, supported by the EU, for
on-lending to local SMEs with export potential for investments in upgrading technologies and services to the
EU standards while promoting the use of green technologies.

The EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line is a flagship initiative helping local companies increase their
competitiveness at home and abroad by upgrading their production facilities and processes to the EU
standards. At least 70 per cent of the loan proceeds will be used to finance investments in green technologies
in accordance with the EBRD Green Economy Transition (GET) approach. Borrowers are eligible to receive
incentive grants and technical advice, both funded by the EU under the EU4Business initiative.
Ameriabank is one of the leading banks in Armenia and ranked first by assets, loan portfolio and clients
accounts and deposits. It is a major contributor to the Armenian economy, with assets exceeding AMD 1
trillion. Being a dynamically developing universal bank, Ameriabank provides a large package of innovative
banking services through its omni-channel distribution platform and with clear focus on digital products.

The EBRD is a multilateral bank that promotes the development of the private sector and entrepreneurial initiative in 38 economies
across three continents. The Bank is owned by 67 countries as well as the EU and the EIB. EBRD investments are aimed at making the
economies in its regions competitive, inclusive, well-governed, green, resilient and integrated. Follow us on the web, Facebook,
LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Ameriabank is committed to doing business responsibly and advancing Armenia’s transition towards a
sustainable future. Since 2015 the EBRD is also a shareholder in the bank holding a 17.8 per cent stake.
The EBRD is a leading institutional investor in Armenia. The Bank has invested more than €1.51 billion in 189
projects in the country’s financial, corporate, infrastructure and energy sectors, with 88 per cent of those
investments in the private sector.

About the European Union

The Member States of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources and
destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development while
maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing
its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.

The Small Business Impact Fund’s donors are Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden,
Switzerland, TaiwanBusiness – EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund and the United States.

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