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05 / June / 2020 : 12-06

Nursing home placement caused by the defunding of the Adult Day Health Care and Multipurpose Senior Services Program will destroy independent lifestyles of needy seniors

People have recently complained about Gov. Gavin Newsom's Adult Health Day Care and the decision to close or reduce other  senior service programs.

Many people think that Nursing home placement caused by the defunding of the Adult Day Health Care and Multipurpose Senior Services Program will destroy independent lifestyles of needy seniors and dramatically increase costs for government providers.

«The program is extremely instrumental. It is truly our hope» -insist they.

«Newsom is wrong on this call and should review the programs on their merit, results and consequences. Our seniors deserve better».

In their opinion, Every Californian has had their world disrupted because of the coronavirus, but some families have been hit disproportionately hard.

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Published on 05 / June / 2020 : 12-06
Published by Anna Avetyan

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