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17 / June / 2020 : 13-05

Zoom webinar about Continuing Legal Education Program regarding Employment Law during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Armenian American Medical Society headed by Vicken Sepilian continues to organize  webinars for the population of the US state of California and the general public. 

The topic of discussion is “Working Together - The New Workplace After COVID-19”.

The is a collaborative event organized jointly by the Armenian American Medical Society and the Armenian Bar Association.

It presented by:

Gerard Kassabian- chairman of the Armenian Bar Association,

Nancy  Doumanian- advocate, manages her own law firm,

Michael  Manoukian-  an attorney at Hopkins & Carley.

For more information click here.

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Published on 17 / June / 2020 : 13-05
Published by Anna Avetyan

Viewed 6483times
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