09 / October / 2020 : 21-59

Armenian Americans from as far away as California at the AYF Washington DC "Ani" Chapter's White House protest

Armenian Americans (and friends) from as far away as California at the AYF Washington DC "Ani" Chapter
's White House protest

Photo credit:
Justin Kaladjian
Justin Lazershoon
IG: LookWhatIHaveDone

AYF Eastern Region USA

Armenian Youth Federation

The AYF-YOARF Washington DC "Ani" Chapter demands an end to US aid to warmongering regimes of Turkey and Azerbaijan. The US has failed to pay attention to this issue and the silence is deafening.

  • #TurkishWarCrimes
  • #SanctionTurkey
  • #SanctionAzerbaijan
  • #PeaceForArmenians
  • #ArtsakhStrong
  • #StopAliyev
  • #StopErdogan
  • #StopAzerbaijaniAggression
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