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04 / June / 2019 : 13-30

The fight of the "ferrous steed"

In the beautiful mountains of Tavush and Gegharkunik, Armenian Automobile Federation has organized the annual RFS ARMENIA 2019 off-road competition, where best drivers from Armenia, Georgia and Russia were about to face many difficult driving challenges. The locational summons were difficult to overcome, yet the drivers were filled with the desire of victory, which helped them to overcome all the challenges with a great courage and motivation. The length of the road from point A to B was approximately 17 kilometers, which drivers were supposed to cross 3 times. Between the roadways there were lots of forests and even the ancient monastery of Kirants. The road afterwards continued with mountains all the way to the next ancient monastery of Goshavanq and the final spot near the valley. There was a huge risk of sudden accident or a car crash, yet that was what made the competition even more fruitful and interesting. Referees were supposed to watch the competition and choose the final winner, which was indeed a very difficult thing to do. This huge responsibility was not only for the professionals, but also for the famous actor Sargis Grigoryan, who was appointed as the head of the referee committee. And why was Sargis Grigoryan appointed in such special position? The answer is simple: the founder of AAF Arsen Manukyan shared that the actor was amateurly participating in many competitions organized by Armenian Automobile Federation and because of his incredible results, he was chosen in this position of referees. There were 25 cars in the competition that were carefully prepared and were tuned in order to become suitable for the challenging environments of those regions. The host of the “AutoDrive” show Mkhitar Hovakimyan mentioned that, even though the competition was very fruitful, the drivers were polite and friendly with each other. The race was held in extreme conditions and many drivers were eventually out of the race. At the end, the Armenian delegation won. “After the competition, a little party was organized for the drivers, where they communicated with each other in a friendly environment, which already was considered as a success for us. It was very pleasing to see them happy and interactive.”- Sargis Grigoryan shared with us in his interview. “Other teams were also awarded with honorable mentions. And the victory of the Armenian delegation once again proved that we are now fully ready for international competitions.” – highlighted the AAF founder Arsen Manukyan. “Yes, the victory is mandatory, yet friendships and connections are the most important part of this competition”- told us the founder of RFC races.
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